Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fashion & me

I'm far from a fashion plate. I've never been someone who spends a lot of money trying to look fashionable. As a plus size woman there isn't  much to choose from. I can't run into Target and grab something cheap and fabulous. In the plus sized fashion world you have two basic choices cheap, shapeless, colorless ugly grandma wear or expensive semi decent last year designs. I could go and be the avantguard plus sized girl where I don't seem like I care about fashion or that I'm plus sized. The problem is that I feel my sense of style is lady like glam (think Charlotte from Sex in the City).

Right now I'm watching The September Issue on Netflix. Trying to gleam nuggets of style from watching the people at Vogue. It's funny because I've never even opened a copy of the magazine. Manly because I don't live in that world. In the high fashion realm I don't exist. I'm a woman of color who's plus sized. I might as well not even try. LOL.

I wrote all that to say I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear to San Fran. I want to look good. I want to seem like I'm a first class traveler. So far I've got a white shirt with a light blue paisley scarf with black ballerina slippers. What I'm trying to decide now is do I travel in jeans or these gray slacks that I have that are really comfy?  I'm also aware that it's gonna be chilly both on the plane and in San Fran. I have a heavy light gray sweater that I'm thinking about wearing. Once I land I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I don't know why I'm trying to look more glam while traveling to see people I'll never see again. But I donno. Maybe I want to use this trip to break my mold.

I guess I'll just have to see. And hope for the best.

Friday, March 18, 2011

We're going to California

By some amazing miracle Daniel and I are going to California. We'll be flying to San Fransisco for a week. This is one of the most exciting things that has happened to me. We're both very happy for so many reasons.

This will be the farthest we've traveled from home together, the first plane trip for Daniel, the first time we've been to the west coast. I'm so excited since this will be the first big city that we've visited. I'm so excited I grabbed the suitcases out and started my packing list even though we have plenty of time to do it. Yay!!!!!