Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So yesterday Daniel and I were at Target and we told ourselves that we could spend $20 on whatever we wanted pretty easy....then I walked into electronics. They had every single movie that I wanted for $10, plus a couple of triple play movies for $13. That lead to the hardest decision I've had to make in a really long time.....How badly do I want all the Die Hard movies? Having just bought myself all the Lethal Weapon movies I felt the need to own all the Die Hard's...but then there was also the Jurassic Park movies.
After about 20 minutes and a coin flip I walked a way with the Die Hards and Casino Royale. What can I say....I'm a sucker for the chick flicks.

1 comment:

Gary Durbin said...

You should be feeling very violent after that marathon. nice.