Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spike in readers....

I've noticed in the past month or so that I've had a spike in non local readers. Most of this I think is do to the fact I wrote a blog called Wedding Gift Calculator. If you Google it our blog is the 4th website listed. How, I have NO idea. It's just interesting. Most people I guess view that page and move on.

I have a handful repeat readers. They are mostly friends since my tracker to the right labels them as either Orange Park or Jacksonville. What's left of those who remain are non local friends and family.

Then there are a few non-local, non friends that read the blog.

I wonder about you. I really do. I start to notice if the same state or country pop's up. I usually ask myself the following, "Do I know anyone currently living in Timbuktu?" that question is usually followed by this one "Daniel do you know anyone living in Timbuktu?"

It makes me wonder who these faces belong to, that sometime live the apposite ends of the world from me, that find little ole me so interesting that they came back for more. For those of you who blog, do you ever wonder why a non-friend read's your blog? Do you ever wonder why they keep reading your blog?

It's a interesting time we live in. People I don't even know....know me.

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