Friday, February 17, 2012

Man...I don't feel like a woman.

So I've been thinking the last couple of days about me and my life in general. I'm at the happiest place I've been in a while. My marriage is great and I'm generally happy.

But there is one aspect of my life that I'm left wondering about. I'm not very girly. I don't go crazy for clothes, or shoes. I hardly wear make-up. I haven't changed my hair style since Jr. High. I'd prefer not spend the money on getting my nails done.  I do like purses and scarves but that's about it. My house isn't out of a show room. I have no sense of design. Almost everything we own has been given to us. I don't like shopping. I don't do crafts other then my knitting.

I must have skipped the girl gene line up in heaven. All the hallmarks of being a woman are just not in me.

I'd rather travel. I'd rather cook. I'd rather read. I'd rather listen to music. I'd rather play video games. I'd rather wear jeans and flats. I know I can do all those things and still be a woman but I wonder if one day God will download the girlie software update that I'm missing?

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