Tuesday, December 2, 2008

10 reason's why.....

I love my husband...

1) He's sweet. He's been taking care of me these last couple of days. He's been working, cooking and watching our bundle of joy Cincy.

2) He's hot stuff. I'm a very lucky woman.....nuff said

3) He's a kind person. I've yet to find a person who has a bad thing to say about him. People he's worked with hold him in high regard. Parents who children he's worked with think well of him.

4) He's got God in his heart.

5) He's my best friend. There is no other person on earth that loves me as he.

6) He's a great pet father to Cincy. It's really cute to see a tall guy with a small dog. Make's me chuckle.

7) He's so smart. He's so clever with computers, DJ gear and mountains knowledge.

8) He's funny. Even when I'm sick I know I can count on him for a laugh. He moves me with just one glance.

9) His eyes. Sometimes when he looks a certain way it stops me cold. I turn to mush and forget what I'm saying.

10) Cause he married me and is my husband.

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