Thursday, December 18, 2008

"I like your Christ but not your Christians... They are so unlike your Christ"- Gandhi

I will rarely do a religious blog. I will leave that up to better people, like my husband or Gary. They in my opinion know more than I ever will about the Bible. I stumble along with my child like understanding of the Bible, God and Jesus. I have the basic understanding about right and wrong. To me Jesus was a teacher of love. That is the truth that I hold in my heart. What would Jesus do means to me that He will not judge you or harm you and above all else He will love you. I read in a story today and it reminded me of times when I didn't attend a church. About all the things I thought and felt towards churches. Don't get me wrong I always loved God and Jesus but I didn't love the church. To me they always seemed to be a place of hate. They hate this, they hate that. I never felt that I wanted to go to a place that held so much hate. I wanted a place that focused on what they loved. I wanted a place where they taught you that they loved you, that they knew that one day that you would sin but they loved you anyway. That Jesus loved you anyway. I wanted a place where everyone was welcome no matter what. I hear stories about churches not dealing with others since they belonged to different type of churches. To me that boggles the mind. How can you believe in God and not come together?

I know that there are people that quote scripture from memory and read the Bible everyday. I can't or do those things. But I do give money to help people, I'm the first to lend an ear to a friend, I try not to judge people, or get angry, I'm kind and unselfish towards others(Dan's words) and I keep Jesus in my heart. And that is the truth that I hold in my heart.

1 comment:

Gary Durbin said... actually sound like a Christian. There are a lot of great churches and pastors, but there are some that define themselves on what they don't do, instead what they do do. I just said do do. Great post.