Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Daniel surprised me this weekend by taking me on a picnic to a historical site over in Mandarin. It was really nice. It was a old farm house from the late 1800's. I never even knew that there was anything like this place. I've lived here since I was in the 4th grade. It's a little farm house and barn and they have a walk way that leads to the St. Johns River. It was a nice little trip and it was relaxing. I didn't have to worry about wedding stuff. We went to Native Sun on San Jose. They have great fresh food. Most are organic and just over all good quality. We had fun and watched a few moments of the Air Show from NAS.

The only downside is that it was SOOOOO cold. We not looking at the weather before we left didn't grab a jacket and we got cold.

But I was really glad we went. Daniel is so good a surprises.

Wanna check this place out?
Mandarin Museum & Historical Society

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